Research into Male Stigma
This research is about the stigmatization men may feel due to perceptions about their gender. Please feel free to read both the recruitment letter and the consent to participate in this research below. If you are interested in participating in this research or if you have any questions, please e-mail me at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Recruitment Letter
Men's Consent Form
Note: We are no longer recruiting participants for this project. The results were published in March, 2018. The research article entitled Male Stigma: Emotional and Behavioral Effects of a Negative Social Identity on a Group of Canadian Men is posted in the Academic section of this website.
The State of Secular Marriage in Canada and the Humanist Response
This research on the nature of humanist weddings has been mandated by Humanist Canada. The link Secular Marriage in Canada (below) will connect you to an article that references on marriage and divorce statistics in Canada, the experience of the humanist officiant program in Ontario, and my experience as a marriage commissioner in northern Saskatchewan. It is used as a background paper shared with focus groups of humanists in different regions of Canada. Now you can participate in this research by clicking on the link Questions about Ceremonies. You will need to copy and paste the questions into your e-mail. Send your answers to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Secular Marriage in Canada
Questions about Ceremonies
This project was completed with the results published in July, 2017. Please see the article: Secular Weddings in Canada: An Examination of a Humanist Response to the Evolution of Marriage in the Academic section of this website.