Services Available from Hawkeye Associates


A variety of workshops and staff training opportunities related to the field of psychology are available. For a detailed listing click on the “Workshop” link on the home page.

Counselling and Therapy

I define therapy as that which involves change to the self or identity of the individual. In counselling we assume an intact self and deal with situations, problems or perceptions that are causing unhappiness or dissatisfaction. There are at least two experts involved in every counselling or therapeutic relationship. I am an expert in the self, change and mental well-being. The client is expert in himself and his/her situation. The therapeutic or counselling relationship involves these two experts collaborating on the best way to make change happen, so that happiness or satisfaction is restored for the individual. We begin with an assessment of the situation that induced the client to come for treatment. Often I will suggest a menu of possibilities with the client finalizing a treatment plan from that menu. My background and training includes Adlerian Psychotherapy, Rational-Emotive Therapy, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, Memetic Self-Mapping and Cognitive-Behavioral Techniques. I have experience with grief work, suicide ideation, depression, anxiety, stress, addictions, relationship issues, trauma, Residential School Syndrome, Asberger's Syndrome, attention deficit disorder, learning disabilities, conduct disorder and meaning of life issues. Treatment plans may also involve the use of outside resources.

Psycho-Educational Assessments

Recognizing that many variables contribute to academic success, I combine ability testing with behavioral and emotional assessments in creating informed, comprehensive and individualized recommendations for each student. The results of proven standardized instruments are combined with clinical observation based on over 30 years of experience. I have conducted research on cultural bias in assessment and my recommendations are based on maximizing achievement while estimating potential within a framework of cultural fairness.

Program Planning and Human Resource Development

My associates and I assist organizations focusing on counselling, education, child welfare and mental health needs to meet their goals. This includes developing organizational vision statements, comprehensive service delivery assessments, identification of training needs and team building to enhance performance.

Affirmative and Cross-Cultural Action

The objective of initiatives variously called “affirmative action,” “employment equity,” and “representative workforce” is to efficiently utilize human resources while assuring equality of opportunity for all. This begins with the identifying of any cross-cultural barriers to employment unique to each work and educational setting along with the development of reasonable goals for target populations. Combining affirmative action research with cultural sensitivity training for existing staff, we assist employers in developing inclusionary workplaces. Our team approach guarantees comprehensiveness with respect business management consideration, labor relations, and minority or target group populations. We also assist provide in-service training programs and recruitment services.

Lifeskills and Lifeskills Coach's Training

Lifeskills is the teaching of comprehensive problem solving using experiential learning in a group setting. Students are given exercises and assignments that cognitive and affective skills using psychological models developed by Adler, Rogers, Glasser and others. The lifeskills coaches' training course uses aboriginal specific cross-cultural material developed by Hawkeye Associates. Students who successfully complete the lifeskills training course will be competent to use the lifeskills approach in the following areas:

Explaining/Surveying Lifeskills Self Analysis: Aptitudes
Problem Solving with a System Dealing with Stress
Self-Awareness Analysis Check: Interests
Communication Balanced Self Determined Behaviour
Trust Analysis Check: Aptitudes
Needs/Growth Goal Setting
Self-Disclosure Perception
Consensus Assessing Career Goals
Helpful Group Behaviours Fact/Opinion
Group Decision Making Surveying Marketable Skills
Feedback Values Clarification
Leadership Styles Job Search Techniques
Self Analysis: Interests Cultural Awareness
Conflict Awareness Budgeting

Welcome to Hawkeye Associates! 

Ph: (306) 425.9872







 Click to read about my new book: The Evolved Self!


 Here I  am Interviewed about The Evolved Self:



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