I hope you enjoy exploring my website. I have a keen interest in the study of the self and the c ross-cultural worldviews in which selves are imbedded. The term "worldview" reflects my early training in Adlerian psychotherapy, but as Adler precursed humanism, cognitive-behaviouralism and the neo-Freudians, such training lends itself to an eclectic approach. I like to give my clients a menu of options or alternatives in co-constructing an individualized treatment plan.
I am a registered doctoral psychologist with competencies in counselling psychology, educational psychology (including ability assessments) and human resource development. I believe people are a unity with counselling, educational and work needs invariably linked. My social work degree included specializations in lifeskills coaching and community development and in some of my academic articles I have united these themes with psychological practice. I have also published on residential school syndrome, the structure of the aboriginal self, the application of memes to self-understanding, the evolution of spirituality and religion, prior learning assessment and recognition, the treatment of suicide ideation and attention deficit disorder.
My private practice includes relationship, family and group counselling, anxiety and trauma work, addictions, and psycho-educational assessment. I also enjoy teaching at the university level and doing research, often with cross-cultural themes.
I am in a long-term relationship with fellow psychologist Millie Goulet. It is, perhaps, a reflection of my romantic side that I became a humanist officiant and marriage commissioner. As one can see from clicking on my "time share" button, I also enjoy romantic vacations. I agree with Adler that a healthy self involves a balance of productivity, social interest and intimacy, but I would add to that constancy, uniqueness, community, and emotional intelligence. Read on and find out why.
Lloyd Hawkeye Robertson
Interviews with some of my favorite people: (19) nep-Humanism ca - YouTube